Ecstatic Dance 3 Day Retreat To Rainbow River, Dunellon, Florida

New Dates coming!

Let’s create space for workshops blending yoga, somatic, meditation, Ecstatic Dance and contact improv! Five days with daily dances, workshops in contact improv, authentic movement, yoga, hikes in nature, swimming and floating on Rainbow River and creating meals together. Each day begins roughly 8:30am-6pm

Workshops in Contact Improv/somatics and Ecstatic Dances will be facilitated primarily by Kelly Atkins. If others would like to guide these sections and share, it’s encouraged. Please contact me ahead of time and lets co-create. Our schedule will pace our practices out so everyone can participate, no matter what. Kelly has facilitated and co-facilitated 5 retreats to Costa Rica and 15 somatic weeklong in depth trainings in Sarasota. She comes with 30 years experience leading dance/mind/body practices and more than anything ….right now…..She enjoys holding space and connecting/co-creating with community to see “what is possible”.

Date: April 23-28 2023

Each day we will begin at the studio with “check in” and our schedule that will be slightly open so we can co-create. Anyone joining is encouraged to offer a “workshop” or exploration in anything they’d like….and those will be optional added classes woven into our time together.

This will be a fun, organized and yet fluid time for us to connect, go a little deeper into some practices and to explore connection, dancing, healing, celebrating, downtime, and awareness.

HOW TO SIGN UP: $100 down saves your spot. There are only 20 spots available, last retreat we sold out. Send your questions to

Here is the link to PayPal or Venmo or Zelle for payment:

Paypal :


Or Kelly Atkins@ Kelly-Atkins-25

Zelle: 941-928-8866


Studio time with contact improv Jams and embodiment workshops.

LIve dj-ed ecstatic dances with dj Kat

Explore and Play with others thru the body


Floating on rainbow river

Enjoy beautiful hiking trails ….

morning yoga on the deck overlooking the lake