Chaos movement and the butterfly effect in dance.

I figure in the 624 Ecstatic Dances combined since 2019, online and onsite, that I have been blessed to be part of, “chaos” the peak or pinnacle of each dance is probably the least comfortable for the majority of folks to sustain…..There is an uncomfortable “I don’t know what to do” often, or sometimes a freeze response , sometimes folks “check out” at that time, have judgements, go into their heads, or ….most common…is a gripping to hang on to something thats knowable, even if it’s uncomfortable. A feeling ( anger, rage, fear, jealousy, …..sadness, grief, ….all can be quite addicting and refuel some story that makes sense in our heads from past experience…..but isn’t what is happening NOW) is a common place to go when nothing makes sense. Equally is trying to control ……especially sneaky in unconscious ways of manipulation.

Common is a reaction of judgement to the chaos. Everything should always be light, right? Fluffy, in order, sweet and agreeable. right? Everything balanced and in order isn’t natural. We can do alot to create some balance thru the chaos, but this can also flow into avoidance of life natural disorder.

The truth is, chaos is a NATURAL PART OF LIVING. Life has many chaotic moments, stages, and occurrences and learning to be open and present, perhaps even embracing the chaos …..learning to dance with it with joy, like a roller coaster or like childbirth…..may be the most healthy thing we can do.

Scientists call this “the chaos theory” and its’ studied thru mathematics. Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary scientific theory and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws, of dynamical systems, that are highly sensitive to initial conditions, that were once thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities.

This theory predicts that from chaos something forms that is absolutely beyond prediction that thru chaos there are natural ways order forms into new patterns. The butterfly effect is very in-depth exploration of the energy thats created from chaos and its creation.

Here’s video about the science of that……for those that like to geek out on this kinda stuff.

All of this in movement and dance and the cycles of a wave in the music we dance with offers us more space to play with when chaos begins. Perhaps consider that each dance, each cycle, each moment can open to chaos as potential that is unknown and potent in it’s richness….it’s beauty….it’s artistry. To the body this could mean new ways of moving, perceiving, experiencing life. Opening to the fullness of grace, of relationship, or of community.

New systems that have more energy, “life” to them both in the body ( how the body communicates thru fascia) and in systems like familial systems and even romantic systems….to systems we work with outside of us in our communities and even globally. A “shake up” to reform ….and staying open to the reformation in all it’s subtle details.

I wonder how you perceive chaos in this moment? How might chaos become more of a friend or cycle of the dance that nurtures you? Some tools I’ve used when emotions run high or patterns to control feel imminent…..To breathe, slow down, access conscious tools I know ( like prayer, surrender, wait and feel more deeply into what my body needs, wants, and choices that I’ve never done before), feel for the resonance WITH chaos and ride the wave, let go of thinking altogether and enter from my body……

So perhaps next time you feel chaos in your system, or in the dance, you might try less regulation and more release…..or …..releasing with conscious attention to absolute and to the ways to feel renewed on the other side of the catharsis? Another thought is to notice the same responses that keep coming up and looking for “what else is happening here” and the many choices in the disorder that make it spontaneous and fun. Chaos can be childlike, weird, freaky, expansive, contractive, contrasting, exploding, imaginative, evocative, orgasmic, definately artful and spiritual…..and more…….CHAOS is fire in transformation and a great tool for healing.

kelly atkins