Dark and Light of Moving to Feel Better

Morning everyone!

Found this little skeleton on a jog the other day.

Thinking about willingness to know oneself, claim deepest truth including the “darkness “ and the courage of finding the path out again and again. This is for me.... the only way to be “in the light” while also remaining in love and connected outward to the whole.

The darkness reveals the light. It’s embracing fearlessness, understanding inner “stories” that can can seem so real and without recognizing its unconscious “bent” ( that’s self serving whether we realize it or not) that then projects out creating negativity we can then “fall” into the seduction of the pull and sticky entangled muck. The dark has a gift, just don’t get stuck there. Love holds it all. Life and death. We die ( cells die) and we regenerate. We have the capacity to be healthier, free-er and more alive.

In dance..... it’s the moments I feel loss, or judgement, or jealousy ... of my way of being. Of my body. Of my age. Or things in my past that have formed my nature. It’s sometimes the murky or stuck patterns, frustration and feelings like “I can’t do this”. Movement becomes the practice of staying with it, seeing what tools I have in that exact moment ( can I take responsibility, can I feel my body on that moment, can I stay with the feeling and see what’s next? Am I breathing- how am I breathing).. going toward it, being with it.... it’s such a sacred rich moment.

At first, the fear was too big, the shame. I cried and felt it everdance. This was 20 years ago. Dancing with it, 5-7x a week.... staying focused on “this is my body” and maybe others feel joy that I occasionally glimpse... for now... this is my experience.

Gradually I touched higher states, felt longer waves of peace, recognized I had the power inside to shift... and dancing became my medicine. Today it’s a regular thing like sweeping the floors or flossing.

Absolute responsibility and embracing it all with utter humility and gratitude. Life is beautiful and the deeper we go, the higher we rise, helping each other.

What’s on your mind today??

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kelly atkins