The Process Oriented Approach

The process-oriented approach

The big transition that has been made recently was settling into a process-oriented approach. A process meant that I had time to relax and deepen into looking at the state of my mind. Was I anxious, striving, making too much effort in my mind? Through a process I got a chance to relax and surrender the monkey mind that was always trying to figure out what’s next?

When I start to improvise and my movements become free-style during ecstatic dances. I got to appreciate the process of having an hour and a half to relax into my own inner guidance. I was consciously shutting off contact with external influences like phones, discussions, eating, or making plans. Occasionally I would have a journal around to jot or note anything that arises. My process for that was bringing the unconscious forth through ideas that are now made aware of. Dance has done that for me. I can’t say it’s always been a pleasant experience. I guess thats the thing with a process-oriented approach. That I will be consciously encountering circumstances that may feel uncomfortable. And through that process, there is space to look at what is arising.

From what arises I can stabilize this with awareness and mindful breathing. By choosing to stay in the experience, I can bring forth whatever intention I direct my mind to. I bring the energy to the navel center, the transfer point of all nerve intersections. I tune in by staying with how this feels within my body. There is compassion unfolding for whatever arises. I surrender how this feels, and I let go of trying to figure out what is next. I ease the striving mind to sink deeper into what is happening in this moment. Between figuring out how I got here, and what will happen next; I find a resting point and settle into the unknown. The experience that’s being savored is that of confidence of staying with the experience; staying with the process of change, and unfolding. 

As I dive deeper into a process, a community starts to unfold around me. I see others who too are simultaneously diving into their version of what a process means to them. All of us are looking for happiness. This shift is simultaneous with a shift of seeking happiness externally. Now I’m taking the journey inwards for the source of happiness. The money, women, and pleasures just wasn’t cutting it in fulfilling long-term happiness. I’ve learned to refer to this as the “process of embodiment”. This is the journey inwards, taking the willingness to look at your scars and shortcomings. Coming to terms with yourself and all the coping mechanisms that averted attention from what is right before us. 

      In closing, this journey inwards will reveal many things about you. It will reveal your shortcomings. It will reveal what you need to work on. It will reveal what you’ve been afraid of. It’ll bring the shadow to light. I guess if you’re reading this, then you’ve found your way to a wavelength that is open for you to explore these deeper and hidden aspects of yourself. May peace be with you on your journey. May you be safe, and may the Inner guidance guide you Home.  

Sajan Melcher

kelly atkins