Ways to dance with what is....and be proactive in life....building efficacy.

One thing about ecstatic dance is it’s sober!!

No drugs or alcohol.

It’s mindful movement

Our bodies communicate with us thru sensation (pain/pleasure continuum) and emotion felt as sensation. Feelings. Feelings move and change as the sensations do, our thoughts may come in and ego, and we can practice detaching from those ….reactions…. And create new affirmations or stories to try on. Or …..we can just notice and let go as other realities play out.

In the body this could mean a thought enters “I’m too old”, “I feel stuck”, “I feel pain”……. We then can ask “is this true?” ……….the truth may be that I’m judging or comparing myself, I’m feeling embarrased to move smaller or self conscious, I feel reactive to the pain and seeking something to make me feel better vs working with the pain.

These are important things to consider and ways we can dance with what is …. And ultimately open up to what’s next. Our bodies are an under utilized resource for energy, healing, information, guidance and joy. Dancing teaches us to reconnect…. To develop focus on staying with relationship to sensation and attuning to deeper truths.

Ecstatic….ecstatacy, bliss, ananda is the outcome of this meditation. Going thru the body, not bypassing it…. The meditation is in the relationship.

Tonight, Saturday 5:30-6:30pm Contact improv workshop and jam

Saturday 6:30 pm meditation

Saturday 7-9 pm Ecstatic Dance Sarasota & Global with Cacao Ceremony

Sunday 10am meditation 10:30-12pm ecstatic dance Ecstatic Dance Sarasota and Global Sunday jam

Silent Disco New Moon Ecstatic Beach sunset Dance

All dances are online and onsight at Soul Studios 2924 Hyde Park St Sarasota fl eastern time zone.

Links www.ecstaticdanceglobal.org

kelly atkins