The Container We Hold.......

The container we hold during a dance… to stay focused, to move respectfully, no pictures/phones, and to be sober /present from opening circle to closing share….. some thoughts.

This is where awareness grows. How we choose to move or not, where our thoughts go, how we discover subtle things, what opens up creativity, what do we do when we dont know what to do, and all our patterns arise to the surface ….. like subtle ways of control, judgement, anger , and desire…. They are all welcome… and what we each do when these arise is where our power and contribution or service to the whole can be offered. This is energy. Dance offers a mirror and ecstatic dance in a strong container offers this magic, opportunity, depth, sacredness, medicine. It diminishes in one where there is no one paying attention…to the details .

The medicine and magic of ecstatic dance relies on these agreements. I no longer ( this is actually in life as well, call it my menopause clarity) worry about “being nice” to make sure im not hurting someone’s feelings if i need to speak up and redirect energy to agreements. I do however hope that and hold a space for learning, awareness, truth, and honest support and growth for everyone …..EVERYONE to feel welcome, safe, and loved. Part of that is each person also agreeing to do their best to take personal responsibility ( one of our agreements) and not take it personal if im doing my job and need to speak up and redirect. Its not personal. Sometimes that means i have to be firm, alert, and very clear in communicating. It is how i speak to my kids when i need too as well, especially if it’s time sensitive and an agreement. I value everyone’s energy and efforts in our agreements…. There is a lot of goodness that can come from a community that’s focused also on the whole, the potential.

I love Ecstatic Dance. I love to serve this space in sarasota. My intention is a space where freedom, healing, celebration, and community can gather… and dance. That is my priority.

kelly atkins