NATURE and MOVING more NATURALLY thru our dances.....

Our own deepest instincts need to be evoked by proper environments. Just like mammals thrive in nature but not so much in captivity. We need nature and a supportive environment to relearn this….authenticity not as a thought but way of being. This isn’t often modeled to us in the everyday..

The proliferation of “experts” in every field may be at fault with very little “push” to trust our bodies.

In our dances…… there’s a warm up with emphasis on learning from and growing from what’s happening in our bodies naturally. Less from thinking and more from our instincts. As our nervous systems calm, we can identify how our nervous system was formed from a very early place in development, how we walk, respond or react, how we relate…. it takes time and practice to Re-self develop the body/mind/nervous system into a calmer nature and more natural body wisdom to utilize for life.

“Nature informed” .. we unlearn thoughts about dance, about being with others and feeling things in our bodies, and about ways of being in community. We relearn thru movement while music is playing with others. There’s a natural energetic we attune too, and learn from…. “Latent child learning brain circuits” can be accessed and reformed. The nervous system gets reset over time…. Dance by dance we build confidence feeling different things, expressing thru movement, gradually feeling more comfortable in our own deep wild nature and learning to express our desires, needs, and handling disappointments without pushing harder to get stronger…. We grow thru awareness and trying new things. In the dance we have opportunity to do this every dance.

Resilience isn’t hardening up… efforting… pushing more. Getting better at this pose or at managing others. Getting another degree, another outside validation. It’s a balance of being able to attend and attune to what’s happening and creating with what is. As it is. Dance builds creativity in the body mind and this process. We are so much more than our achievements.

Dance supports feel good hormones, as well as music, and new connections with body and mind …. Contact improv greatly accesses these processes thru a longer time focusing on this and thru touch that adds oxytocin.

Summary chapter one: The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate with some thoughts about one way dances offer healing for deeper embodiment

kelly atkins