We Might Need to be Hero's.....or at least Dance like one.

We might need to be super hero’s.  All of us.

So here’s the blog I hinted too a few days ago. I just finished another healing collective trauma summit with Thomas Huuble and guests. This is where I found the information from Dr Peter Levine regarding the experiment on rats given a flower blossom to smell then a shock …. And who 5 generations later the baby mice would smell flower blossom and have a fear response of frozen face and defecation of bowels, sometimes worse than the first generation who actually received the shock.

So this led to some podcasts on epigenetics and how we can over ride some of the genetics we are given thru the body mind connection …. Our thoughts and feelings  don’t specifically change dna but it does effect stress response in the body and that effects the chemical reaction that can make our genetic material turn on problematic genes  …. This is not over riding emotions/by passing them to conjure “feel good” feelings. It’s about unwrapping deeply held feelings, thoughts, recognizing the script that comes up when challenged and at that pivotal moment the brain wants to go reptilian and fight/flight/freeze , realizing there’s a choice….. a new framing of situation, a new feeling arises.

So here’s the more challenging news. This capacity to change inner script and create peace when challenged is also going to be continually challenged. There were many speakers in this particular summit talking about how we’ve learned during the pandemic that fear is rampant. That we react ( and we are one… we are a we) to fear by doing things like buying toilet paper and other consumeristic and reactive ways that actually hurt the environment more and cause chaos. The facts about global warming are bad. We cannot change and go backwards….. we can only hope to slow it down. Just a few days ago this happened in Sarasota /Fla effected by out of control fires in Canada https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/weather/2023/10/03/canadian-wildfires-haze-smoke-air-quality-map-impact-sarasota-county-florida-conditions/71045771007/.

So the conversation in this summit on collective trauma revolves around how we deal with our personal traumas in the past, we all have them, with awareness and wisdom effect not just our own personal freedom and happiness but it effects each other… and effects future generations that will have greater and greater “unknowns” and will need to access creative thinking more than ever in navigating change and a toxic environment….

Right down to our dna, how we think, feel and respond to life.

On this thought, I’m a believer in miracles, in deep spiritual connection and in possibility and I believe it’s comes thru community….. this is why I dance, it brings me into connection with all these layers and helps me uplevel and turn “on” my inner hero. Anatomically music and dance stimulates more of the brain than any other exercise…. Add to this community and it’s a cocktail for hero’s to recharge, access joy in challenges, turn on awareness, and see what’s possible.

kelly atkins